Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 30: How to Make Healthy Habits Stick, Permanently!

I saw this article today and thought it was fitting for our last day of the challenge! What a fun month this has been (I will post about my experiences during this challenge in a few days ... I am on a small vacation right now). I have learned so much reading all of these articles and adding all of these new healthy habits to my life. My tracking chart was not perfect (more details on that in my future post), but I did do really well and felt really good too (I even shed some pounds). Thanks Gina for being my support and for doing this with me. It was so fun to do this together. If any of our followers have comments about this challenge we would love to hear them. I hope you enjoy this last article and the advice it gives in helping you maintain the healthy habits you have started with us.

How To Make Healthy Habits Stick, Permanently!

How To Make Healthy Habits Stick, Permanently!One of the hardest parts of losing weight permanently is making those new, healthy habits stick. But, to become a part of that small percentage of dieters that doesn’t gain all the weight back you have to know what you’re doing. Here are some time tested tips to make those healthy habits last a lifetime!


Finding support from family and friends is a great way to ensure your healthy eating habits stick. If the people closest to you are behind you 100% it makes it that much easier to continue what you’re doing.


Constantly remind yourself of the benefits of your healthy habits. Keep an old picture of yourself handy or think about the extra years you could possibly spend with family, play with grandchildren and so on.

Reward Yourself

Creating healthy habits and sticking to them can be hard work, so reward yourself. It doesn’t have to be 2,000 calorie frozen dessert type of reward, but rather buy yourself a new pair of jeans, or go get a massage. You deserve it!

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Keep unhealthy snacks off the counter and only keep a limited supply on hand, behind pantry doors. Replace the unhealthy snacks typically left on the counter with fruit or other healthy, quick snacks.


Keep a food journal to not only help you stay on track, but to visually see how far you’ve come. Make little side notes in the journal of your achievements as they happen. This will help you visualize your success!

Buddy Up

Enlist a friend or family member who has similar weight loss goals in mind. Share recipes or burn extra calories by walking or enjoying other physical activities together.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 29: Eating Out the Healthy Way!

When it comes to eating out I am a softy when making good food choices. Because of my poor decisions I often feel bloated for days after eating at my favorite restaurant.

I was on a road trip a few weeks ago and decided to listen to The Hungry Girl's Book on CD. It was excellent and it gave the greatest tips on eating out the healthy way. She listed ideas for every type of restaurant you could eat at on how to avoid over eating and eating the wrong thing. It was very encouraging!

Here is a great search engine for finding healthy eating choices near you. Next time you go out to eat I challenge you (and myself) to make a healthier choice!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 28: Regular Check-ups

Regular check-ups are a very important part of physical health. Along with your regular physician, you should plan for visits with your dentist, optometrist, dermatologist, and any other doctors you may need. Unfortunately those needs usually increase with age, but be aware that you or your children may have needs much sooner than you would anticipate. For instance, my oldest daughter needed glasses in the 5th grade but because I still didn't have vision problems and nobody in my family had vision problems until much later in life, I didn't take her seriously. This is why regular check-ups are important!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 27: Skin Care

I am sure Megan is surprised I haven't blogged about this sooner, as she knows I am a big fan of sunscreen. During these long summer days, don't forget to protect your skin when you are outside for more than a few minutes. A sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 is recommended by the National Council on Skin Cancer Prevention. It is also wise to wear protective clothing such as wide brimmed hats, sunglasses etc where feasible. Remember, beauty (and health) is more than skin deep, but good skin can certainly help with both a healthy appearance, and good overall health!

Last week I came across this amazing video. It is perfect to share with everyone you know.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 26: Seasonal Eatings!

I am so excited for this post. When I found this article I couldn't pass up adding this healthy habit! I love all fruits and vegetables! I get excited for Summer to eat corn and watermelon, for winter veggies I love squash soup of any kind! This is a great habit to really implement into our challenge!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 25: Start With Correct Food Portions

I can't believe that we are on day 25 of our challenge! This has been such a good experience for me!

Today's challenge is to start with correct portions on your plate when eating. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for avoiding future health problems. Most people think it is only staying away from being overweight but if you are too skinny you are in line for getting future illnesses as well.

Here is a good article on starting with smaller portions, but if you are skin and bones you could interpret it as increasing your portions.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Day 24: Freedom!!! (From Addictions)

Wikepedia defines addiction as a "continued involvement with a substance or activity despite the negative consequences associated with it." I don't know about you, but I would really not like to be involved in things that have negative consequences attached. Unfortunately, most of us have a few favorite addictions we keep holding on to. Kind of like a child who is a little too old to still be sucking her thumb, most of us know better than to do______, but we can't seem to stop ourselves. Well now is the time.

Dr. Phil has some great thoughts on breaking addictions. If you have something in your life whether it is sugar, shopping, sleeping, or something much more serious, this is a great article to read!

Good luck and Happy Independence Day!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 23: Nurture Marriage

JPM and I just celebrated 17 years of marital bliss yesterday! I had no idea on that momentous summer morning in Logan, of the blessings which would result from this one commitment.

In this article asserting the health benefits of a strong marriage, researcher John Gottman states "working briefly on your marriage every day will do more for your health and longevity than working out at a health club."

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 22: Practice Good Dental Hygiene

I have actually been thinking about this one for a few weeks and when I read more about it I thought this was a great habit to add to our list. I am a good flosser, but don't do it everyday. I am hoping I can get better at this habit.

Article from WebMD below:

Flossing your teeth every day could add 6.4 years to your life, according to Michael Roizen, MD, author of RealAge. In his book, Roizen lists flossing as one of the most important daily activities -- along with exercise and quitting smoking -- that could extend life span.
Roizen's calculation may raise some eyebrows, but the idea that oral health is connected to overall health isn't far-fetched.
The mouth, after all, is an integral part of the body. "Teeth have a blood supply, and that blood supply comes from the heart," says Richard Price, DMD, consumer advisor for the American Dental Association (ADA).
Researchers suspect that the bacteria that produce dental plaque enter the bloodstream. They say these bacteria are somehow associated with the inflammation that occurs with plaque that blocks blood vessels and causes heart disease.
Other researchers have found links between oral bacteria and stroke, diabetes, and the birth of preterm babies and those that have low birth weight.
In addition to preventing disease, flossing and brushing can help keep your pearly whites intact for more than just cosmetic reasons. Teeth help you chew food, speak properly, and smile -- which, according to Price, can help you keep your dignity.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 21: Omega-3

This habit may smell a little fishy at first, but the more I have read about omega -3 fatty acids, the more convinced I am that this is a habit worth working at. So....hope ya like fish! There are other ways to incorporate the habit of eating a diet with sufficient omega 3 fatty acids, but it will be more difficult. Omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids considered essential for optimum health. Research has shown people with diets rich in omega 3 fatty acids have a reduced amount of fat in their blood and lower triglycerides, which helps lower their risk for heart disease. It has also been found to be necessary for proper brain, eye, and nerve development. Our bodies gets omega- 3 primarily from cold water fish such as salmon, tuna, and halibut but it is also available in foods such as flax seed and nut oils. The American Heart Association recommends a minimum of two servings of fish per week. Good luck everyone and Go Fish!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Day 20: Daily Scripture and Meditation

"Daily scripture readings and meditations offer inspiration as well as powerful physical and mental benefits. Meditating on scriptural readings will remove fear, anxiety and worry from your life."

The above quotation was taken from this article, Daily Scripture Readings and Meditation from the Love to Know Stress Management website.

I always have thought of my scripture study time as a time for me to grow closer to God and receive personal revelation. I never have really thought of it as a time that will benefit my health. Since I have moved a few months ago my scripture study has not been as great as it used to be and moving is always so stressful to me so I am so excited to add this challenge today!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 19: Menu Planning

Fail to plan= Plan to fail! This is one habit that is healthy for more than one reason. Having a menu plan in place is physically healthy, ensuring you and your family are eating well rounded, nutrient packed meals. It is mentally healthy decreasing the stress felt during the "witching hour" (the hour before dinner when you are frantically trying to decide what is on hand to feed the family.) It is financially healthy as it can save you multiple trips to the grocery store and it allows you to plan your meals around what is on sale. It is emotionally/spiritually healthy as it increases the likelihood of family meals where you can "sit and savor."

Most of us have dabbled in menu planning. Some of us are better than others. If you have burned out on planning menus, here is a good post from the blog mama hall:

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 18: A Food Journal

It's day 18! How is everyone doing? This morning I was checking off my healthy habits for yesterday on my tracking sheet and realized that I had a perfect day yesterday. I hope everyone else if finding these changes to be enjoyable!

Today's challenge is a great one! It is to keep a food journal.

This great article goes into more depth on how to keep a journal:


It talks about writing the time you ate the food, where you were at, and why did you eat it. This is proven to be a great weight loss tool and a great way to see what foods you are using to fuel your body.

I am really excited to start this!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 17: Body Appreciation

For our next challenge, we are going to work on cultivating the habit of being thankful for the gift of our body. An attitude of gratitude is important in all aspects of our lives including our perception of our own body. Those with unhealthy body images have an increased risk of depression, eating disorders, an obsession with comparing your body to others, low self esteem, and anxiety. Take a moment every day to acknowledge some of the many things your body is doing for you. Every second of every day, your heart is pumping blood for you, your body is facilitating the movement it takes for you to do the things you enjoy every day and it is keeping you safe. Here is a fantastic handout from the National Eating Disorder Association which gives ideas on how you can foster a better body image:

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 16: The Healthy Way to Breath

I saw this article (An Exercise In Proper Breathing) and couldn't pass up adding this healthy habit. I was watching an Oprah show several years ago about healthy living. The guest doctor told the audience that the most important thing you could do every day to stay healthy was to take six low, deep breaths with your diaphragm. This not only relaxes you, but the lower you breath the more carbon dioxide waste you will get rid of.

As a private voice teacher low breathing is one of the first things I teach my students. Low breath is essential to a full and beautiful singing voice and since I teach low breath I have done a little research on the health benefits of it. Did you know that when we are born into this world we only breath with our diaphragm? Next time you are around a small infant watch their breathing as they are laying down. You will notice their belly rising up and down. That is a sure way to know you are taking a low breath. With a low breath the diaphragm falls down into the body pushing all of your organs which makes your abdomen expand.

The article mentioned above gives some great tips on ways to relax and take time to breath low.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 15: The Benefits of Stretching

Okay Megan, as you know, stretching is an important part of exercising. However, there is no right or wrong answer to when, or how often you should do it, ( but we both know that people who stretch correctly, feel better. We also know that the more you stretch the more flexible you become. Just as you don't want to be super flexible with no strength, it is not desirable to become muscular with no range of movement.

According to, some benefits of stretching include:
  • Reduced muscle tension
  • Increased range of movement in the joints
  • Enhanced muscular coordination
  • Increased circulation of the blood to various parts of the body
  • Increased energy levels (resulting from increased circulation)
When stretching, it is important to practice correct techniques. This prevents you from getting injured. Here are some tips to good stretching.
  1. Warm up first
  2. Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds
  3. Don't bounce
  4. Focus on a pain free stretch
  5. Relax and breathe freely
  6. Stretch both sides
  7. Stretch before and after activity

Stretch your limits and make stretching a regular habit!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 14: Sit and Savor!

I don't know about you Gina, but maybe we should have called this blog The ULTIMATE Healthy Habit Challenge! I am starting to feel the pain of change and sacrifice, but no pain no gain right?

Day 14's challenge is to try to sit at the table to eat. Here is a quote I found in a recent article regarding healthy habits:

"You should always eat at the table. This prevents you from trying to engage in multi-tasking, such as surfing the Net, watching television, or flipping through magazines while you eat. At the table, you'll be forced to concentrate on how much food you are putting into your mouth. If you eat anywhere else, you may lose track of how much food you are consuming."

I am really excited for this habit. I find myself throughout the day taking little bites here and there of everything. I am realizing that those little bites do add up. This habit will go great with tracking the amounts of healthy foods we are eating (like our sugar intake).

Here is another reason why sitting at the table is important:

Family Mealtimes - The Importance of Eating Together

Happy Eating!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 13: Sugar -How low can you go?

Okay!!! This is BIG. Any truly healthy person, has a healthy relationship with sugar (aka not addicted.) According the the American Heart Association, the average American consumes around 22 teaspoons of sugar every day. A healthy person should consume no more than 6. When looking at nutrition labels, sugar is measured in grams. According to wiki-answers "One teaspoon of granulated white sugar is equal to about 4.2 grams." This means your favorite soft drink probably has somewhere around 10 teaspoons of sugar!

For the rest of this month, work on trying to keep your sugar intake low -no more than 6 teaspoons or 25 grams per day. Replace desserts with fruit (remember most are high in antioxidants), drink a glass of water when you are craving sugar treats, put reminder pictures on your fridge and do whatever it takes.

Readers Digest had an article with many great ideas on keeping sugar low. Read it here:

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 12: Antioxidants are our friends!

This is going to be a really easy habit to add for me. Eat more antioxidants! They help your body stay younger! I love berries and they are super high in antioxidants along with other yummy foods. So today's new habit is try to eat more foods rich in antioxidants.

This great article will sell you about how important they really are!

Day 11: Cultivate Friendships

Sometimes it is sadly true in my life, that the busier I get, the less effort I put into maintaining and strengthening friendships. This is backwards. Friends are an important part of our health- emotional and also physical. Friends come in all forms and the more we can surround ourselves with the happier our lives will be. I am so lucky to have had the influence of amazing, wonderful friends in my life. They have encouraged me to be physically active, listened to me talk out the stressful issues I am dealing with, introduced me to beautiful art, music, food etc. They have celebrated happy days with me and mourned with me during sad ones. My life is rich because of the people who have shared their lives with me.

This article states "the more friends women had, the less likely they were to develop physical impairments as they aged, and the more likely they were to be leading a joyful life. In fact the results were so significant, the researchers concluded, that not having close friends or confidantes was as detrimental to your health as smoking or carrying extra weight!"

Okay everyone, if you are lacking on friends- (and who couldn't use a few more?) schedule in time daily to cultivate your friendships. Set an exercising date, e mail or call, plan lunch or shopping, and don't feel guilty! It's for your health!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 10: Cardio

As long as we are scheduling in a little strength training...we may as well add the cardio! All of us know the importance of cardiovascular workouts. In fact, this is what most of us think of when we hear the work exercise. Swimming, biking, walking, running, basketball, tennis and myriad others. This is one of the more difficult habits to implement, but the benefits are the swiftest. The moment you start, you feel better about yourself and if you do it early in the morning you feel a sense of accomplishment all day long. Here is a great article promoting the benefits of cardio exercise:
Life is hard enough as it is, who doesn't need the advantages that exercise brings! Start as small and slowly as you need to, but get moving!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Day 9: The Life-long Benefits of Strength Training

That's right! We are going to add some simple strength training exercises to our challenge. Jillian Michaels would be so proud of us!

There are many benefits to doing regular strength training exercises. After reading the article below I just knew we had to add this to the challenge (and I really hope I can maintain this habit for the rest of my life).

Why Strength Training is a Must for Everyone

Remember this is something you only need to do two times a week ten to twenty minutes a day. After a while you can add another day to your schedule making it three times a week.

The article is really good at laying out what kind of strength training exercises you should be doing. To make things easy on you below are several links to simple strength training exercises online. I personally love Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD (I think it is $10 at the store). The workouts are twenty minutes long and she mixes cardio, strength and abs. By the end of the workout I am always dripping with sweat. There are a lot of short strength training exercises on Youtube or as well.

I will be starting this habit tomorrow! Happy strength training!

Jillian Michaels: The Great 1 month Slim-down

Month 3 Workout: Self Challenge 2010

SELF Fitness: Get fit in 15 minutes

Strength Training at Home

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 8: Reward Yourself!

So how did everyone do this week with your new healthy habits? If you are thinking to yourself that you did a great job, then it is time to reward yourself for your efforts!

As a teacher and mother to young children nothing is more effective to motivating them then a reward system. It is a proven fact that positive reinforcement makes a person want to repeat the good behavior and if you give that person enough positive reinforcement they won't feel the need to rebel, misbehave or give up.

So why wouldn't this concept apply to us as well as we are introducing new healthy habits into our lives? Give yourself some positive talk and rewards today! I am heading to my jet tub as soon as I finish typing this! Ahhh! Time to reward myself for my efforts with a nice, relaxing soak!

Side Note: If you feel like you didn't do as well as you wanted this week start small. Maybe you need to create a daily reward plan. Keep up the good work!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Day 7: Validate Veggies!

"The colors of a fresh garden salad are so extraordinary, no painter's pallet can duplicate nature's artistry." -Dr. Sun Wolf

This is true...they are extraordinary not only in color, but in health value, so why do I have such a hard time implementing them in my diet. Every one of us have been taught from early childhood the importance of eating plenty of veggies every day. If you don't remember all of the reasons why, the Internet is brimming with articles touting why we need more,more, more. If this habit has not stuck with you, now is the time! Wherever you are at in your veggie consumption, try to increase by one serving.

Here are a few ideas for veggie based snacks and side dishes:
  • keep prepared veggies in fridge ready to eat with a little dip
  • make a salad
  • v-8 juice with crackers
  • steamed veggies with cheese
  • celery with peanut or almond butter
  • cucumber, tomato and avocado sandwich
  • make a big pot of vegetable soup to freeze in individual size portions
  • fried zucchini
  • chips and guacamole
  • spring rolls
  • baked sweet potatoes
Any more ideas? Leave a comment.


Day 6: Good Day, Sunshine!

I love Summer because to me it means outside play! I grew up in San Diego, CA and with its perfect weather for being outside that's what I did - played outside all day, every day. I remember as a kid leaving in the morning to go play with friends outside and and not coming in until dinner. When Summer break came my mom would take us to the beach several times a week and we would be there all day playing in the water, sand or just relaxing in the sun.

I am sure a lot of you have similar memories of your childhood. Playing outside is like eating candy for kids - they love and savor every minute of it!

Today's challenge is to relive some of your childhood memories and get outside at least 20 minutes a day to play. Plant a garden and tend to it, walk your dog, grab a book and sit and relax, take your kids to the park, mow your lawn,... There are a lot of things we could be doing.

Here is a REALLY good article on the benefits of getting outside. I like it because it talks about how important sunshine is for women's health. Hope you take time to read it. I know you will just love it! I did and am excited to implement this healthy habit into my daily life:

The Sunshine Vitamin: Get Your Vitamin D

Have fun outside and be sure to record your 20 minutes of outside time on your tracking sheet everyday!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 5: Plan to Fast

In our religion (LDS), we practice a monthly habit of fasting for 24 hours from food and drink. This is a habit that has truly benefited me personally. It makes me feel more in control of my body. It makes me more aware of how frequently and easily I am able to feed myself. It makes me aware of those who may not be able to eat as readily as I do. Most importantly for me though, it has helped me take the focus off of myself for a little while to meditate on spiritual things. Things like my family relationships, my goals for the future, and how to become more Christ-like.

This morning I read an article talking about how Mormons who practice regular fasting may have a lower risk of heart disease. (
Check it out and start planning your own 24 hour fast!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Healthy Habit Challenge Tracking Sheet

So how is everyone doing so far with their new healthy habits? If you have joined us on our challenge, please leave a comment to let us know how things are going!

To help us keep track of all of these healthy habits we are adding to our daily lives here is a tracking sheet. I don't know about you, but I find that when I write things down I am more likely to accomplish them then not.

I have put mine up on the side of my refrigerator so it is right there in front of me.

Please let me know if you have problems printing this sheet out.

Thanks, Megan

The Healthy Habit Challenge Tracking Sheet

Day 4: Don't Drink Your Calories!

Before you read any further you gotta read these articles:

These articles REALLY opened my eyes to how much calories I have added to my meals by drinking soda, juices, or even my favorite smoothie (600+ calories wow!). When I usually dine out at a restaurant I treat myself to soda with my meal. I can't imagine how many calories I consumed after drinking two to three large glasses.

For years I used to give my kids apple juice everyday counting it as their fruit servings. I don't think I will ever buy juice for my kids again. Fresh fruit will be taking its place on my shopping list! And if you can't go without your juice in the morning, fresh squeezed juice is delicious and you aren't getting all of the extra sugar that is in the store bought stuff.

Instead of buying your favorite juices or soda you can substitute them with 0 calorie drinks like Crystal Light. They are yummy and guilt-free! However, water is the best thing to drink!

Do you have a favorite guilt-free drink?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 3:You need a Bedtime too!

Right up front, this is so not like me to be challenging people to do things that I am terrible at (Megan, I am not sure exactly how I got into this, but I must love you!)

Today's challenge will be to get your body in the habit of going to bed at the same time every night. Many sleep experts tell us it is important to get ourselves in a sleep routine. To feel truly rested we should stick to the same bedtime (and wake time) every day of the week. We should be aiming for around 7-9 hours of sleep each night -young children need at least 10. This makes sense to me. I know my children seem much happier when I help them stick to a bedtime. Why wouldn't the same be true for adults? While I can't tell you all of the scientific benefits of going to bed on time, I can level with you about what happens to me when I don't get enough sleep...I have a hard time keeping up with Megan when we are running, I'm easily annoyed with my family, I feel too tired to get all of the things done that I need to which then makes me want to eat sugar to get some energy. After overdosing on sugar I feel depressed for blowing my resolutions to eat more healthy. This can not be good. It is definitely time to change my ways!

Day 2: "Take Your Vitamins"

How many times have we heard this "Remember to take your vitamins"? Just last year at my annual physical my doctor asked me if I was taking a multivitamin each day. He then listed all the reasons why I should make taking vitamins a part of my daily life.

There is a lot of controversy in the health world today regarding vitamins. Many have said that taking a multivitamin is a waste of money because there are no health benefits. Others have said that taking your vitamins everyday helps you receive many of the necessary nutrients your body needs.

In the past several years I have been asked several times by my regular family doctor and OBGYN if I was taking daily vitamins. I am pretty good at taking them, but am not as good as I could be so day 2 is to start the habit of taking a multivitamin each day.

Here is a great article about the importance of taking a daily multivitamin.

Multivitamins: Should You Take One?

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Day 1: The 8x8 Rule for Drinking Water

How much water should you drink each day? It seems that every health expert has his or her own opinion as to how much water is necessary in a daily diet.

Here is a great article from the mayo clinic about the benefits of getting enough water:

For our challenge we are going to stick to the 8x8 rule for drinking water each day (8 - 8 oz. glasses of water).

Welcome to the challenge!

Welcome to the beginning of our healthy habit challenge. This blog and idea was set up to help us (and you if you choose to participate) keep track of our 30-day challenge to make bad eating habits into good ones.

During the past 6 months we have trained for and ran in several races, done pilates, yoga, strength training and other cardio exercises. At first we were doing all of this for our goal, which was to run in a half marathon (which we did in April), but now we have made these activities part of our lives and love doing them.

We feel it is now time to implement healthy eating habits into our efforts to live a healthier lifestyle (we will both be the first to admit we have some pretty bad ones). For 30 days we will be starting a new healthy habit each day and continue with that habit until the end of the 30 days in which time we hope to be practicing all 30 habits every day.

We are so excited for this challenge and invite you to watch as we strive to form healthy habits!