Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 30: How to Make Healthy Habits Stick, Permanently!

I saw this article today and thought it was fitting for our last day of the challenge! What a fun month this has been (I will post about my experiences during this challenge in a few days ... I am on a small vacation right now). I have learned so much reading all of these articles and adding all of these new healthy habits to my life. My tracking chart was not perfect (more details on that in my future post), but I did do really well and felt really good too (I even shed some pounds). Thanks Gina for being my support and for doing this with me. It was so fun to do this together. If any of our followers have comments about this challenge we would love to hear them. I hope you enjoy this last article and the advice it gives in helping you maintain the healthy habits you have started with us.

How To Make Healthy Habits Stick, Permanently!

How To Make Healthy Habits Stick, Permanently!One of the hardest parts of losing weight permanently is making those new, healthy habits stick. But, to become a part of that small percentage of dieters that doesn’t gain all the weight back you have to know what you’re doing. Here are some time tested tips to make those healthy habits last a lifetime!


Finding support from family and friends is a great way to ensure your healthy eating habits stick. If the people closest to you are behind you 100% it makes it that much easier to continue what you’re doing.


Constantly remind yourself of the benefits of your healthy habits. Keep an old picture of yourself handy or think about the extra years you could possibly spend with family, play with grandchildren and so on.

Reward Yourself

Creating healthy habits and sticking to them can be hard work, so reward yourself. It doesn’t have to be 2,000 calorie frozen dessert type of reward, but rather buy yourself a new pair of jeans, or go get a massage. You deserve it!

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Keep unhealthy snacks off the counter and only keep a limited supply on hand, behind pantry doors. Replace the unhealthy snacks typically left on the counter with fruit or other healthy, quick snacks.


Keep a food journal to not only help you stay on track, but to visually see how far you’ve come. Make little side notes in the journal of your achievements as they happen. This will help you visualize your success!

Buddy Up

Enlist a friend or family member who has similar weight loss goals in mind. Share recipes or burn extra calories by walking or enjoying other physical activities together.

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