I am sure a lot of you have similar memories of your childhood. Playing outside is like eating candy for kids - they love and savor every minute of it!
Today's challenge is to relive some of your childhood memories and get outside at least 20 minutes a day to play. Plant a garden and tend to it, walk your dog, grab a book and sit and relax, take your kids to the park, mow your lawn,... There are a lot of things we could be doing.
Here is a REALLY good article on the benefits of getting outside. I like it because it talks about how important sunshine is for women's health. Hope you take time to read it. I know you will just love it! I did and am excited to implement this healthy habit into my daily life:
The Sunshine Vitamin: Get Your Vitamin D
Have fun outside and be sure to record your 20 minutes of outside time on your tracking sheet everyday!
I was just thinking of sending my kids out to play; now I think I'll go out there with them and enjoy the sunshine.